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Inspired by 2020, 2021 and 2022
General Congress of Women Conversations 

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Women are stepping into leadership more and more, but how are we leading? Especially women who lead women? Are we getting in the way of our own leadership?


With even the best of intentions, are we confusing crowning our sacred power with ascending to the throne?

Are we lifting other women, or are we climbing over them?

Are we stepping aside to allow those with less privilege to lead, or are we always a step ahead? Indeed, we have some housework to do.


In 1870 Julia Ward Howe presented humanity with the Mother's Day Proclamation. In April of 1914, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mother's Day a national holiday. World War I began 3 months later.


While we may not see the immediate impact on the two major wars today, imagine where we would be today if the women who held the original proclamation in their hands 153 years ago took this to heart.

We can all ponder the impact that would have had in July of 1914.


Perhaps they did not realize they had the power or were so steeped in the systems that have held women in place they could not imagine a place where they could begin. Yet we have agency, rights, and an unprecedented level of awareness. We no longer wear bustles so why are we still bound in such systems that we have full control over?


In the end, we all have a responsibility to do what the women before us did not have our privileges to do; heal the wounds that bind us and all of humanity by showing up as the Mother archetype that Julia so strongly articulates. We must start where we lead. But first, we have some important self-reflection to do.


Welcome to S.A.R.A.H.'s Sacred Circles, held now for 22 years where all voices are heard.


Join us and share what your tradition, religion, and spirituality say about each of our monthly topics. This is an opportunity to share your faith's tradition and belief of women of your lineage, heritage or faith tradition who inspire you through her power to live into your highest vision and "divine assignment." Not sure? This is also a great opportunity to deepen the roots of your own faith and spirituality by learning more and then sharing with the rest of us.


Women only, please. 


We invite Love Offerings as consideration, but no one is turned away.  


Beginning in January, we addressed each of the 12 Critical Areas of Concern as we presented them in our General Congress of Women 12-month series. 


You can see each of those call recordings, our speakers and more about the Beijing 12 Critical Areas of Concern here.. 


If you have already registered for this series of calls, you are already enrolled.

Thank you for considering a Love Offering of $5.00 or more to help us continue bring these programs of wholeness and wellbeing.S.A.R.A.H. is a 501 C3 non-profit organization

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