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Calling women to gather to prepare ourselves and one another for the world we are midwifing forward. 

Alchemy of Women's Compassionate Action 2021
Meet the Alchemists HERE

A Glimpse At Alchemy in Toronto 2018

Our Sacred Water Ceremony

Previous Alchemy Events

Artist-  Jothi Saldanha

Art by Johti Saldanha

Salt Lake City Alchemy Event 2015
On Feminine Ground: The Alchemy of our COLLECTIVE Wisdom and Strength

This event was first hosted by a planning circle convened in advance of the 2015 Parliament of Worlds Religions in Utah to prepare women leaders for the dynamic week ahead. About 80 women met in circles where we practiced Circle Principles to anchor our voices, practice sacred listening, and recognize the power of our wisdom. Because of its success, a small group of us decided to bring it to the next Parliament in Toronto in 2018 for 200 women (with a wait list) with a planning committee of U.S. and Canada based women. S.A.R.A.H. then brought this Alchemy event to the Commission of the Status of Women in advance of the opening of 2 weeks of the UN Commission of The Status of Women with the help of NY based women. We are now bringing our signature Alchemy event to the first ever virtual Parliament event. 



Toronto Alchemy Event 2018

The Alchemy of Women's Collective Wisdom and Power

Together we prepared ourselves and one another for the dynamic week ahead of The Parliament of World's Religions. We prayed, danced, sat in small thoughtful dialogue circles, each with their own altar. Each topic led by inspirational thought leaders. Then, we all participated in a memorable water ceremony and that collective water, in its copper vessel, resided for the full week on the altar of the Lodge of Nations, prepared and presided over by indigenous peoples. Now we are bringing that alchemical magic on line! We hope you will join us!

NY Alchemy Event 2019
The Alchemy of Women and Girls Collective Wisdom and Power
Held in advance of the United Nations Commission on The Status of Women

Portions of our proceeds will support S.A.R.A.H.'s Women and Girls Education Fund

Meet Our Alchemists

Meet Our 2021 Alchemy  Speakers

Rabbi Tirzah Firestone

Essential to our Alchemy events is the skill of being in relationship with our body. Rabbi Tirzah, whose transformational teachings, workshops and books have led us to new understandings of who we are through our lineage, our innate nature and our role in the world, will lead us in movement alchemize our lives and our world. Now Rabbi Emerita of her congregation, Tirzah maintains a private practice in Jungian in-depth psychology, and teaches nationally about modern applications of ancient wisdom and ancestral healing: how to transform patterns of suffering from our past and bring forth clarity, wisdom, and blessings for ourselves and those who come after us. More About Rabbi Tirzah, her workshops, books and more.. 

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., dedicates her energy, passion, creativity, and effort to being on a path with heart,  activism and for individuation to find a meaningful, inner directed, chosen life-path come together when the choices we make express who we are and who we are becoming.  Once we believe that there is a purpose to life and that we have a soul, then what we do with our life matters. This is Jean's 4th Alchemy event with us guiding us into discovery of our divine assignment. Jean is a psychiatrist, Jungian analyst and an internationally known author and speaker.  More About Jean, Her Upcoming Events, Books and More.. 

Grandmother Flordemayo will open our event is a sacred manner. She is a Curandera Espiritu, or a healer of divine spirit. As a seer, she has the ability to see other realms of color, light, and sound. In addition, has the ability to see the effects of existing imbalances on the physical, emotional and spiritual realms within a person’s energy system. She was born in highlands of Central America, specifically Nicaguara and was the youngest of 15 children. She was born under the sign for the seed, in Mayan astrology.  As a world traveler she has offered ceremonies and has spoken on a wide range of topics from healing with the use of herbs to her more recent project, The Seed Temple, located in Estancia, New Mexico. More About Grandmother Flordemayo and Support Her Work...

Kay Lindahl will anchor us in the sacred art of listening. She has been described as an inspired presence with passionate energy. For the past twenty-seven years the daily practice of Centering Prayer has transforming her life. She founded The Listening Center with the mission of exploring the sacred nature of listening.Kay conducts workshops and retreats on listening as a spiritual practice. She is a Certified Listening Professional. Kay participates in many community projects and is on the Board of Directors for the Rumi Educational Center, and Women of Spirit and Faith. 

Kay was at our first S.A.R.A.H. meeting and largely our inspiration and mentor.  It's an honor to welcome her wisdom through a recording. Kay is also the co-originator along with Kathe Schaaf, of these Alchemy events that we are carrying on. 


Leading our water ceremony is Athamis Bárbara Barbosa, whose spiritual name is Hummingbird Woman. She is from the Mura tribe (Brazilian Amazon) and has been adopted spiritually by the Anishinaabe (Canada) with whom she learned the ceremonies she uses to help people to go through various rites of passage. As a Medicine Woman, she is an ambassador of the ancient wisdom and travels around the world, healing and giving teachings and tools to people to be able to reconnect to their own indigenous wisdom. Listen to her music..   More about Athamis (in Portuguese) 

Cristina Seaborn is much more than a violinist, fiddler, and composer. She is more than a teaching artist with the Central Minnesota Arts Board with degrees are in Jazz Violin Performance and a Masters in Orchestral Conducting. Cristina has an uncanny ability to capture the spirit in any room, create a spontaneous composition to elevate our time together in a single unified experience.  Cristina has served as the Interfaith Chair for the Urantia Book Fellowship, is a prayer chaplain for the Unity Spiritual Center in central Minnesota, and attends the Parliament of the World’s Religions.

Cristina’s favorite performance on the violin is to spiritually uplift people in a way that is loving and giving, that inspires others to give and love. Music as a prayer. More About Cristina ...

Ana Hernandez will be lifting our energies and our spirits with her song and music. She is a composer, song leader and group facilitator working

to strengthen community ties across cultural difference, with a focus on

racial justice as deep inner work. Her activism is grounded in

contemplative practice and presence.

Ana collects, composes, and records chants and short tunes, and is a

song leader for the NYS Poor People’s Campaign.She’s the author of The Sacred Art of Chant: Preparing to Practice (SkylightPaths/Turner) and is currently producing her ninth CD. To listen:,  More About Ana... 

Karambu Ringara will join our water ceremony representing Africa. She is the Founder of The International Peace Initiative and the Kithoka Amani Children’s Home (KACH), known as the Amani Home. Its purpose is to keep orphaned and vulnerable children in the community where they grew up, which preserves a child’s network of support through education. Karambu is an internationally honored and celebrated leader.

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