Join our first circle as The Global Woman's Village. Let's explore together what is possible for our collective future and our role as it's architects.
Appropriately, this call is planned for the 23rd anniversary of the day that inspired the birth of S.A.R.A.H. The intention; it was time for the women of all nations to gather to address the great and general interest of peace. (As per the final clarion call of The Mother's Day Proclamation.)
By joining, you will contribute greately by sharing your wisdom. knowledge, and lived experiences. Naturally, this can happen best in the loving container of a circle. All voices who want to be heard will be heard. Active listeners are always welcome!
What is our role in co-creating a safe and harmonious world?
How do you describe "Power?"
A glimpse at changing our narrative.
And what else wants to emerge!
Wednesday, September 11th
4:00 PM PST | 5:00 PM MT | 6:00 PM CST | 7:00 PM EST