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Writer's pictureS.A.R.A.H.

By Sushila Mertens

We need a new vocabulary if we do not want to self-destruct. Some say we are in the liminal time - the point between that which was and that which is coming - and the old words will not fit into the new world. We need a new language to help us navigate the transition. Those who are experimenting with new ways of communicating through consciousness have been speaking to the ears that hear within their circles. The time we are in is ripe for gathering the words and the stories for balancing the masculine narrative with the feminine experience.

Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language and The Oxford English Dictionary (OED ) were written by men from the male experience drawn from literary works written by men. Language creates stories and mythology that create the environment of how people relate to each other. The words captured and interpreted from the male experience have influenced and dominated all life on the planet. Writings from the male experience of supremacy and ownership over land, minerals, water, animals, women, and children have created a foundation for how people think, relate and live. Women's experiences and words were not deemed important and discarded; therefore, we have a language created from half of humanity.

We are on the brink of destroying the very world we depend on and the majority of world leaders don't have words to see another way.

The decay of systems of domination such as our political, economic and gender gaps, are signs that our civilization is shifting. Recognizing our roles in these times as opportunistic requires new ways of thinking and communicating that reflect creative new ideas to old problems.  We are seeing counter-balancing efforts that promote a more grace-full, joy-full, and creative path forward for humanity.

How can we change thoughts and actions towards feminine, left-brain values of cooperation, care and love? We start by changing the words we speak. When we rethink our choice of words, we change our minds.

The Evolutionary Dictionary is the balancing stone or counterweight to the man-made language of the patriarchs of this world. One of the major differences of this dictionary is it begins as a collaboration of female evolutionary leaders and will grow from the contributions of women interpreting their world. The challenge and opportunity will be to focus on words that restore dignity and honor from words that have been used to debase or weaken the feminine values so necessary today. An important result of this will be when the earth and the female body will be spoken of, not as commodities, but as the essential foundations of life. This realization existed before the written word, therefore we know it’s possible today.

The contributors may not agree on the definitions. This idea of fluidity, this and that, rather than right and wrong, black and white, is an example of the feminine’s inclusiveness or integrated wholeness. To continue with separation, duality, power over, and militaristic language that creates more conflict with winners and losers in a world of over 8 billion people currently self-aggrandizing or fighting for religious or political ideologies, is a path of destruction.

In order to survive and thrive on this planet we must open ourselves to an expansive way of thinking where the goal is not a compromise but an understanding that both “this and this” has some truth on some level. It's okay not to agree 100% because everyone contributes a unique perspective. Expanding our ability to hold all the pieces is our challenge.

The opposition we will face will say that this is an unrealistic way to live and that is exactly why we need a new interpretation of language. The keepers of language’s intention was to limit the interpretation to a select population of materially wealthy white males. The story of the word “power” and its connection to financial wealth continues to motivate greed, corruption, destroying our planet and war.

The evolutionary way is the realization that a healthy planetary ecosystem includes diversity. The intention of a thriving world for everyone is to understand other points of view in relationship to your own point of view. You do not have to agree with every word in this dictionary. Some words may sound very strange. You get to choose which words resonate with you and which words you will speak and grow into common language.

Some men also speak of and honor the inner feminine force or qualities within each of us. Some men have defined the Divine Feminine with clarity. Their words will find their way into the new language. Men who understand the benefits of bringing the feminine voice into our language will be encouraged to use words that lift all people and restore the health of earth. For the inclusion of the female voice, we begin our journey with contributions of women. As this language grows, all genders and languages around the world will be included.

You can contribute your new or altered word HERE

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The Evolutionary Dictionary

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