On November 20th, 2011 Leadership and Activists in the field of Interfaith, Environment and Humanitarian efforts from Southern California gathered at Chapman University for the West Coast Premier of How To Boil A Frog. Blue Marbles, from www.bluemarbles.org were given out to remind us all of our responsibility to Grandmother Ocean, Earth, and all her Inhabitants.
Get your copy of the film at www.howtoboilafrog.org
Co-Sponsor include SARAH, OCICE, Spiritual Solons, OC Interfaith Youth Council, Aldersgate United Methodist Environmental Ministries, Sierra Club of OC, Women of Faith and Spirit, Sacred Seasons Center, I Am Jerusalem, St. Mark Pres. Church, Church of the Foothills, OC Sea and Sage Audubon, The Raoul Wallenberg Institute or Ethics, West Side Interfaith Council for the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Unity and Diversity World Council, Women of Spirit and Faith, Interfaith Community for Justice and Peace, One Global Family, The Ca Sikh Council, Interfaith Ambassadors for the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Residents for Responsible Desalinazation.

Jon Cooksy, Vandy Salvage and Debbie Cook