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Our 3 speakers were asked, "What can we all do to promote healthy, accessible and positive impact for women and girls in the media?"


Here is a collection of some of their wisdom: 

  1. Name "it" in the moment (domination/patriarchy/dangerous statements and images, that which rubs you and you know it perpetuates stereotypes and a destructive culture).

  2. Talk to your kids in those moments, and when watching shows/cartoons/movies/commercials together).

  3. Unlock your own voice- acknowledge when it is time for courage and do not self-edit.

  4. Find your superpower and if you do not know what that is, "find your heartbreak" and it will lead you. 

  5. Living your own knowledge and creating your own content.

  6. Pay attention to the online world- Name it and also support the posts and ideals of women. 

  7. Lift up other women as much as possible.

  8. Recognize our own assumptions, stories we tell ourselves and then question them.

  9. Create safe communities (even if, an especially a small circle)

    Our Additions:


10. See Brainwashed- Sex- Camera-Power when available- and visit this site for Resources and more.. 

Brainwashed Movie | A Bold New Feature Documentary

11.  Stay tuned for a S.A.R.A.H. viewing of The Doctrine of Discovery, Unmasking The Domination Code, or see this now at:

12.  Join World Pulse     See Their 2 minute trailer.. 

13. See Sandra's TEDX talk 


Ted Women Momentum Defined: Sandra de Castro Buffington

The most pervasive issues on our planet are promoted through public information. The media plays an essential role in promoting systems of patriarchy, consumerism, and imagery and messages that directly impact women and girls.

Media also is the most powerful tool to reach a critical mass to support systems that are healthy and improve conditions and advance solutions for all humanity and our planet.

We have assembled two profound leaders in this field, and are also fortunate to have with us an indigenous elder who also uses media in a profound way, in which you will hear more of when you join us on Dec 21st.


Jensine (Yen-See-Nah) Larsen is an award-winning digital impact entrepreneur, international journalist, and expert on technology to strengthen global women’s power. She is the founder of World Pulse, an independent, women-powered global social network connecting tens of thousands of women from 190 countries and bringing them a greater global voice. Through World Pulse, women leaders are impacting over 20.6 million lives by building global movements, launching businesses, changing policies, and transforming harmful cultural practices.

Please visit


Sandra de Castro Buffington is a global leader in social impact entertainment and a pioneer in conscious media. Sandra’s groundbreaking work with Hollywood and international creative communities has ignited new narratives of transformation and innovation worldwide. She has worked in 50 countries over 20+ years on behalf of women, girls and families.


As Founder and President of StoryAction; Founder and former Director of UCLA’s Global Media Center for Social Impact; and former Director of USC’s Hollywood, Health and Society, Sandra has worked with film, television and emerging media professionals to accurately and consciously reflect the most important topics of our time from rape culture to human trafficking, immigration to mass incarceration, health to sustainability, nonviolence to mindfulness.


Working extensively with Hollywood, and creative communities in India, Egypt, and Brazil among others, has given Sandra a global perspective on the profound impact storytelling has on consciousness and behavior, and the limitless possibilities for the role media can play in transforming culture worldwide. She leads research to measure the impact of prosocial storylines on viewers’ knowledge, attitudes and behavior, and has published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, such as Health Communication, Global Public Health, and American Journal of Media Psychology.


Sandra is Co-Producer of an important new film entitled, BRAINWASHED: Sex-Camera-Power, which reveals how common cinematic shot design techniques disempower, fragment and isolate women and girls.

Please visit


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Shawna Bluestar Newcomb, (Shawnee, Lenape, Azteca) is opening hearts and minds around the world, sharing profound universal messages to navigate these times of uncertainty. She collaborates with her father on a global movement for conscious change, and reveals hidden history behind current day challenges, with a unique way forward. Shawna supports seekers and changemakers with her healing and spiritual guidance to thrive in the new paradigm. She shares powerful insights to help people around the world connect with their authentic power and intuition through her teachings and online courses, Sacred Feminine Rising, and The Reverence Code Reset. Shawna is dedicated to a vision of healing for all peoples, the planet, and future generations. Connect wtih Shawna:

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