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Our Bubble Baths and Sacred Circles For The Soul Gatherings are for Women and carefully designed to offer a safe place to join others in healing experiences.
We do not charge for these gatherings, yet you are invited to contribute to support us, our programming and our initiatives. 
Suggested (tax deductible) Love Offering of $5.00 or more! 
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Welcome back to S.A.R.A.H.'s Sacred Circles, held now for 19 years where all voices are heard, now part of Wholeness and Wellbeing.


Join us and share what your tradition, religion, spirituality says about Gratitude and Forgiveness. This is an opportunity to share your faith's tradition and belief on these two virtues. Not sure? This is also a great opportunity to deepen the roots of your own faith and spirituality by learning more and then sharing with the rest of us.


Women only.


We invite Love Offerings as consideration, but no one is turned away.  

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Our Sacred Circles and Bubble Baths are free, yet we always appreciate a Love Offering of $5.00 or more to help us continue bring these programs of wholeness and wellbeing.
S.A.R.A.H. is a 501 C3 non-profit organization

Join our mailing list

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SARAH is a 501c3

non-profit Tax ID # 26-1357326

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