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Writer's pictureS.A.R.A.H.

Gazing at your own true reflection, you will discover that everything you have longed for “out there” is already within you!

I invite you to love your creativity fiercely. Faithfully plant seeds, allowing under-the-ground dormant seasons, nurturing your creative garden with love and gratitude. In the fullness of time, the green growing things thrust forth from the ground. It's a faithful, trustworthy process. AND it takes time and patience.

Blessed is the fruit of your creative womb!

I invite you to trust your vision of the world and express it. With wonder and delight, paint a picture, create a dance, write a book, and make up a song. To give expression to your creative impulses is as natural as your breathing. Create in your own language, imagery, and movement. Follow no script. Do not be limited by the customary way things have been expressed. Your creative intuition is original.

Gather all of life into your inner crucible, mix it with your unique vision and experience, and produce an original creation. Refuse to color inside someone else's lines. The originality of the universe pulsates through you!

It is my prayer that you will accept the poem’s invitation to descend into the richness of who you are, re-claim your inner resources, and grow in knowledge and love of yourself.

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