"Women's rights are human rights and Human Rights are Women's Rights" is a phrase used in the feminist movement since it was said in a speech given by Hillary Rodham Clinton,
the First Lady of the United States,
in September 1995, at the
United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.
This was the very Conference that inspired the 12 Critical Areas of Concern of which we frame our General Congress of Women upon. This will be a very special call and we hope you will join us.
We flank each call with a conversation on Clubhouse


Osprey Orielle Lake is the Founder and Executive Director of the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International, working nationally and internationally with grassroots and frontline women leaders, policy-makers, and diverse coalitions to build women's leadership, climate justice, resilient communities, and a just transition to a decentralized, democratized clean energy future. Osprey is the Co-Director of the Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegations, and actively leads WECAN International's projects — from various trainings and work to shift the narrative on climate justice using a feminist lens, to engagements at United Nations climate conferences — from frontline delegations and direct actions, to campaigns such as the 'Women for Forests' program. Osprey was the visionary behind the International Women’s Earth and Climate Summit, which brought together 100 global women leaders to draft and implement a 'Women’s Climate Action Agenda', and co-founded the International Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative (IWECI), the precursor initiative of WECAN International. Osprey is honored to serve on the Executive Committee for the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, and has been a core organizer of various International Rights of Nature Tribunals. She has served on the board of the Praxis Peace Institute and on the Steering Committee for The UN Women’s Major Group for the Rio+20 Earth Summit. Awards include National Women’s History Project Honoree, Taking The Lead To Save Our Planet, the Woman Of The Year Outstanding Achievement Award from the California Federation Of Business And Professional Women, and the Be the Dream Lifetime Achievement award. Osprey's writing has been featured in publications including The Guardian, Common Dreams, Earth Island Journal, The Ecologist, OpenDemocracy, and EcoWatch, and she is the author of the award-winning book,'Uprisings for the Earth: Reconnecting Culture with Nature'.

Swamini Adityananda Saraswati has served as a URI Global Trustee since 2014, and was appointed Interim Executive Director for URI in 2021. With 30 years of nonprofit and communications experience, she brings a strong background in interfaith leadership, as well as expertise in policy advocacy, public relations, partnership development, campaigning, strategic planning, and fundraising.
She began her career as a broadcast television producer/writer/director for networks including Discovery International, PBS, ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CBC and the TV Guide Channel. She later served as Director of Communications and Development for a crucial interfaith non-profit agency which resettles refugees and violence survivors from around the world. Witnessing the intense suffering of countless people, she went on to co-found the Pan-African Association, which has enabled tens of thousands of survivors of war, hunger, genocide, persecution, and torture from across the world to survive and thrive for over 17 years.
Later in her career, she served as a Director and United Nations Relations Manager for a large international nonprofit, often working within the UN Secretariat, World Bank and IMF on issues including water scarcity, world hunger, climate change, education, HIV/AIDS, conflict resolution, disaster risk reduction and response, and women’s rights. She furthermore helped spearhead anti-poverty campaigns in the United States, Africa and Asia. Swamini also was instrumental in the development of the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance (GIWA), which was launched at UNICEF World Headquarters, in partnership with UNICEF, the Government of the Netherlands, and USAID. She was responsible for its strategic plans, development, partnerships, fundraising, and programes.

Clan Mother Alda Glover was born rn in Newton MA, USA, Alda C. Glover’s ancestry is African of nations unknown, and Passamaquoddy and Mashpee in the northeast of North America. She is also a Clan Mother for the Choctaw Muskogee Yamassee Nation.
After a 16-year career as a technical writer, Alda left the corporate world to study traditional Asian healing arts and experienced Qi as a physical awareness rather than just a concept. As the healing arts and philosophies began unfolding, Alda was introduced to Native American traditions and the profound experiences born of participating in ancient ceremonies.
An awareness of purpose evolved, and the interconnection of all things became clear: We are all meant to attune and harmonize with creation as individuals, each with our own purpose.
Becoming a Shiatsu-Anma therapist and instructor was a way to introduce others to these experiences. To help others achieve physical, energetic, and emotional balance, a calm perspective and an awareness of Qi to enhance the awareness of connection to Spirit.
Alda volunteers and serves on the Board of Directors of Morning Star Foundation to work honoring and preserving indigenous traditions and ceremonies, knowing that they serve to restore health and ensure the future of Humans, our relatives, and this living planet that supports us.
Alda also serves on the Board of Directors for both One Global Family Foundation & Alliances, as well as Unity and Diversity World Council. And she is a Co-Producer of One Global Family’s Call To Action broadcast series called “SACRED ACTIVISM: Peace Sundays RevoLution.”