Dr. Marty K. Casey's portfolio of contributions and body of work continues to evolve, as she continues to combine her passion for the ARTS with her compassion for her community!
Dr. Casey asserts “Hurt people, Hurt people, but Healed people can Heal people.” She has set out to do just that with her latest development of UnGUN Institute, focused on disarming Trauma in individuals, to heal from collective trauma events which plague the
black communities. In addition, Dr. Casey has co-created the global observance of Black SON Day. The inaugural event took place August 9, 2020 with more than 100 global networks and 50,000+
viewers engaged in a 12-hour interactive presentation and discussion, focused on implementing strategies and action plans to re-build & uplift the black community.
It is no wonder Dr. Casey was chosen for the cover and celebrated as one of the top 25 2020 Most Influential Businesswomen in St. Louis, by the St. Louis Business Journal. She has taken the stage in her city, nationally, and internationally playing the role of her
lifetime as evidenced by her philanthropy and activism track record.
For many years now, Dr. Casey has leveraged her passion for Art, combined it with her compassion for Activism and in 2014 created Show Me Arts Academy, serving as the founder and Artistic Director positively impacting the lives of more than 3,000 kids, using the
Arts to Heal.
Dr. Casey has built a fulfilling and impactful career that traverses entertainment and community service, an anointed singer, gifted actress, writer, producer, and director. No matter which hat she is wearing her noteworthy goal is pointed– “to heal our community,
to provide a response and outlet for inbred trauma.
Dr. Casey is a member of an Arts & Healing Council. She also sits on three boards. For booking please contact Dr. Marty K. Casey at www.showmeartsacademy.com, and www.unguninstitute.com and follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn.

Monica Willard is one of the UN Representative for the United Religions Initiative and committed to The Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons. She has worked with the UN Department of Public Information (DPI) on the annual Student Observance for the International Day of Peace at UN Headquarters since 1997. She was a founding member of the International Day of Peace NGO Committee at the UN in 2002 and is currently serving as Co-Chair. As President of the Committee of Religious NGOs at the UN (2010-2013), she organized programs for World Interfaith Harmony Week, including two held in the UN General Assembly. She was a founding member of the Tripartite Forum, a group of UN member states, UN agencies, and religious NGOs who worked together from 2005 to 2010 to promote cooperation within the UN system on religion, peace and development. Monica served as Chair of the 49th Annual DPI/NGO Conference at the United Nations. Her honors include the Spirit of the UN Award and the Chapel of the Four Chaplains Award.

Grandmother SaSa is a lifelong lover of the Earth and its People.
Recognized as a High Priestess, Dreamer, Seer, and Universal hands-on Healer. She was born in Central Maine to father of Abenaki, Scottish and Irish descent and to a Japanese mother.
In addition to her family lineage, as an Elder, Grandmother SaSa was blessed with the opportunity to gain much of her wisdom from other indigenous ways and follows the ancient and traditional ways of the Native ancestors.
As a child, Grandmother SaSa had many spirit conversations in dreamtime with a Grandmother. She knew one day that their paths would cross, and she would meet this Grandmother. The dreams became a reality when she met the elder Cherokee medicine woman Grandmother Nakai Breen (Rose of the River), who walked as a “Beloved Women of the People”.
Grandmother Nakai brought the Medicine Hoop of Life sacred ceremony into the world. The sacred ceremony came from the ancient ones, sent to humanity at a time that it would be needed for the healing of Earth and the people. It is a tool for our time, providing Humanity with access to cosmic, celestial, and universal guidance and healing.
After 20 years of mentoring and guiding, Grandmother Nakai entrusted and passed the Medicine Hoop of Life ceremony medicine on to Grandmother SaSa. Continuing the sacred legacy, Grandmother SaSa conducts the sacred ceremony twice a year, on the first Saturday of every June and every October. In addition, during the 20 years of mentorship and studying with Grandmother Nakai, Grandmother SaSa was compelled to evoke the remembrance of her own innate abilities.
Currently living in West Ossipee, New Hampshire, inspired by a vision received, Grandmother SaSa is the founder of The Rose and The Swan, a Center dedicated to healing the Healers. At The Rose and The Swan, she offers individual private sessions, group counseling, inspiration and sharing of wisdom. Encouraging all to remember, in order to fulfill that which they feel called to accomplish on this journey.
Grandmother SaSa and her husband, along with helpers also conduct sweat lodges, pipe ceremonies, the teachings of drumming, and beading in a traditional way. Grandmother SaSa has traveled internationally, throughout the United States and abroad, sharing her wisdom and depth of knowledge. Exemplifying her Trust in Spirit, Humanitarian work, Prayer, and Ceremony.
Filled with much love and compassion, she prays for all of humanity and the Healers of this Earth.
Website: www.theroseandtheswan.com