Prior to the pandemic, how to get involved has changed slightly! However, the needs of our community have not changed, so we offer you these ways to get involved, and invite you to please be care-full should you choose to model any of these activities in person for the time being.
Virtual Home Meetings
SARAH began as an interfaith women's living room dialogue group and we continue to honor the essential nurturing that happens when we are in circle together. When we meet in one another's home we are further emerged into another's tradition and culture in a way that unprecedented. However, with the need to meet virtually, we have come to realize that the same hospitality is present on a video call!
We often start with an agenda, but honor what wants to emerge and usually toss it aside Some of the topics of our past (nearly 150 meetings) include:
Women who we emulate (our very first topic)
The Sacred Art of Silence
The biggest misconception of our own faith tradition
Life cycle events (monthly) from Birth, Coming of Age, Marriage, End of Life, After Life Beliefs
Laughter Yoga
How we navigate forgiveness
Panel Discussions
Throughout the years we have been invited to convene a diverse panel of women for panel discussions to places of worship, Universities, other women groups and conferences.
Here are some of our past topics:
Has your perspective of people of other cultures and religions changed much since you have been active in SARAH?
Why do you feel it is important for women to come together?
SARAH offers different things for different women. What is most important for you to get from our organization
What are the biggest misconceptions about your faith
How does the role of the media effect our life and perceptions
What is your religious community involved in to promote interfaith understanding
Community Dialogues
We love to bring the greater community together to dialogue and provide opportunities for understanding and reconciliation. We also love to partner with other groups when we can. We will support an organization's efforts by providing them a platform to speak to the community and then we break into smaller group dialogue groups so the community can be engaged in addressing the pressing issue(s).
In Service
We realize that dialogue is necessary, but action is essential, so, 8 Years ago, SARAH brought Orange County and Los Angeles the first interfaith weekend of community service as a way to engage our diverse community to work shoulder to shoulder to work on our common values of serving the other. The great folks at Big Sunday took us under their big blue wing and made it possible for us to mobilize more than 1,000 people out to about 100 service projects.
Then, 2 years ago we joined the Compassion Games and doubled our volunteerism overnight. We are now a Team in the Annual Compassion Games, Survival of the Kindest. Join us in September! Whatever you are already doing to express compassion, outreach, serving the underserved, inreach, or join us in one of our expressions of compassion. Here's more....
We also support other's efforts as helping hands and hearts and feet! We love Be The Cause's Walk for Hope!
Sock Of Love Each December we collect toiletries and items of basic human needs for our homeless relatives. We stuff new soft comfy socks with the items, tie them up with a love note and deliver them to the homeless shelters.
Sacred Site Tours
Over the years we have visited one another's place of worship,
experienced a service or presentation and a tour of the facility. We then move into a social hall and dialogue.
Movies Under The Stars
Each summer we show important documents under the stars.
If possible we invite the filmmaker to come and speak to us.
Here are some of the titles over the years:
How to Boil A Frog
On Common Grounds
The Light In Her Eyes
Miss Representation
350 Birds of Hope
Sin By Silence
Peace Tapestries
For our first 13 years, SARAH attended festivals, events and programs and brought Peace Tapestry materials and empowered our community to let the spirit move from their heart to their hand and express their love, compassion, vision and their deepest and highest ideals for a more loving and resilient world. More about Peace Tapstries Here...
We understand that collaboration and cooperation is essential in leveraging the treasures and talents in our community. We collaborate with organizaitons as often as possible.
Vision of Peace Award
"I have never been especially impressed by the heroics of the people convinced they are about to change the world. I am more awed by the heroism of those who are willing to struggle to make one small difference after another."
Ellen Goldsmith
"Thank you for sharing and spreading the only truth: "Love One Another" I look forward to reading and participating more."
Shining Love, Shining Hope To The World, Benita Bowen
"SARAH is such a touching & inspirational initiative - may it move more & more hearts towards God." Julie Hotchkiss, The Life Foundation